Tajwal — Identity design and campaign
Beautifully located on the sea coast of the Mediterranean, this city of ancient civilisations has kept some of yesteryear's magic in the old stone souk area near ferry terminal, right off the sea shore. The area-known as "Old Jounieh", about 16 km north of Beirut is surrounded by the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. It has kept the old stone-carved architecture with arches and fer forge balconies dating to the beginning of the 20th century. Unfortunately, due to the urbanization of malls around, the outcome of this area is a deserted street with hardly any pedestrian in sight, you could count on your fingers how many little shops still open their doors. On the other hand, the advertisement is grotesque, crowded and overlapping to attract the audience. This quaint neighbourhood has lost its' charm.
This project was aimed at rebranding the souk of Jounieh in order to create a touristic area where the souk and beach merge as one vacation hotspot. This was done by launching a campaign to bring it back to life with a new identity design, a way finding and a mapping design. The campaign’s theme is the five senses which reflect the heritage, the architecture and the culture accompanied with visuals that are layered with objects symbolic to the Lebanese culture.