Peace Palace museum, The Hague — Catalogue design
The I.C.J court located in The Hague has a small museum, which aims to retrace the major steps in the development of the organisations created to bring about the peaceful settlement of international disputes, most notably the I.C.J. This was done by using archival material, artefacts and audio-visual aids. The exhibition illustrates the genesis of work of the I.C.J. in its historical context, from the First and Second Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907 respectively, the creation of the C.F., the Peace Palace and the P.P.L., the P.C.A., to the League of Nations (L.o.N.), the P.C.I.J. and the United Nations (U.N.). It will explain the I.C.J.’s position within the U.N. system, its composition, jurisdiction, procedure. The project was to design a small publication encompassing a map of the room layout and a description of all the displayed cabinets with the according numbered artefacts.