A small mix — A collection of past and recent poster designs
Poster above Lebanese music
An infographic poster displaying the different genres of Lebanese music.
Posters below Dérive Berlin
Dérive Berlin is a new 2 months residency awarded twice annually by the Belius Foundation Berlin in collaboration with the Research Centre for Art & Design, Avans University of Applied Sciences.
Second posters below EAD challenges
Those posters were designed for EAD based in Abu Dhabi. The aim of the project was to underline Abu Dhabi's core environmental challenges and EAD's strategies to meet them.
The shown challenges are: Unsustainable use of ground water - Declining air quality and increasing risk of respiratory illness - Local impacts of climate change - Integrated waste management to protect the environment - Declining coastal water quality - Land and pollution and soil degradation - Habitat loss, alteration and fragmentation - Overexploitation of wild species populations - Abu Dhabi forestry management
mojo ink ©